Tourism and leisure development strategy for the Paris metropolitan region for 2010–2020

Tourism and leisure development strategy for the Paris metropolitan region for 2010–2020 – Paris

Key Service: Marketing & Strategic Advice
Location: Paris
Product: Marketing & Strategic Advice
Office: France

Location: Paris, Ile-de-France (greater metropolitan area)

Project outline: The objectives for the destination were:

  • to cement the reputation of the greater metropolitan area of Paris as the world’s leading tourism destination and, accordingly, to boost economic development and employment
  • to promote a global image that was reflective of the importance of the greater Parisian area
  • to better tackle sustainable development challenges and, in doing so, to make the greater metropolitan area of Paris an international model for sustainable tourism
  • to support ongoing urban planning efforts, both on a general scale and with regard to tourism

Solution and implementation proposed by Horwath HTL: The project was comprised of three major stages:

  • Stage 1: perform an evaluation and diagnosis of tourism and leisure facilities in Ile-de-France — analysis of changes (offerings, demand, environment), analysis of economic impact of tourism on the area, evaluation of the 2000–2010 strategy, benchmark against other destinations
  • Stage 2: support the development of the new strategy • Stage 3: carry out a complementary study on the development of a market platform for the destination

Project status: The conclusions reached have been integrated into the strategy that is currently being implemented.